More About Me

Honesty, dependability, and trustworthiness are just a few characteristics buyers and sellers look for in an agent. In a short period, Jessica Bell has become a formidable, dedicated, dependable real estate agent successfully closing sales by representing buyers and sellers all over Suffolk County for the past five years. She has experience collaborating with people looking for summer vacation rentals or investment properties and selling their home or buying a new home. Jessica's business is built on her genuine desire to help people in one of the most important transactions of their life. She puts her client's best interest above everything else.

-"It makes me feel good when I can put a client at ease and brings me joy when I can make a client's dream of homeownership into a reality."

Jessica has lived on Long Island for 17 years, raising four children and being an active member in the community through PTA and as a Den Leader for her local Cub Scouts.

